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Project number: 101095329 21-EU-DIG-EU-DNS
Project name: DNS4EU and European DNS Shield
This project is co-funded by the European Union.

The goal of the DNS4EU project is to provide EU citizens, companies and institutions with a secure, high-performance, recursive DNS resolution service that meets the EU's strict data protection requirements. The project is a vital milestone for European internet sovereignty, as the solution will provide an alternative to solutions outside the continent.

The project leverages the complementary expertise and experience of 14 partners from 10 European countries. From a technological perspective, the project combines cloud-based and on-premise components to achieve significant adoption rates by residential, corporate and public sector users across the EU. The completed solution will be easily configurable by end users and will support a wide range of applications and operating systems. In addition to end-user security and user experience, the implementation of DNS4EU will free cloud service providers from user-generated security problems, IP blacklisting and other issues related to DNS resolution and security. There will be no need to worry about DNS maintenance, so they can focus solely on developing their networks.

More than 100 million users across Europe are expected to use the service for at least 5 years.