2024. okt. 9.
Biztonsági szemle
From Perfctl to InfoStealer, (Wed, Oct 9th)
A few days ago, a new stealthy malware targeting Linux hosts made a lot of noise: perfctl[ 1]. The malware has been pretty well analyzed and I won't repeat what has been already disclosed. I found a copy of the "httpd" binary (SHA256:22e4a57ac560ebe1eff8957906589f4dd5934ee555ebcc0f7ba613b07fad2c13)[ 2]. I dropped the malware in my lab to see how it detonated. I infected the lab without root privileges and detected the same behavior except files were not written to some locations due to a lack of access (not root). When executing without root privileges, the rootkit feature is unavailable and the malware runs "disclosed".